For sisters, Phi Mu can mean many different things. To a new member, joining Phi Mu is having sisters to call day or night and friends you can turn to for anything. It’s having a home away from home. It’s becoming the best version of yourself with sisters cheering you on through some of the most formative years of your life. It’s about traditions and values – but more than that, it’s about sharing a bond with women who want the best for you and see the best in you.
Our Phi Mu Creed calls our members to uphold our values of love, honor and truth by:
I have the honor of planning and organizing sisterhood events for the Zeta Zeta chapter. From the little moments around campus to our Fall Sisterhood Retreat, we provide ample opportunities for our members to find their home away from home here in Phi Mu. My team and I have the opportunity to grow our bond each month through our various sisterhood events. Some of our favorites have been disco roller skating, making our own Phi Mu t-shirts, hiking here in St. Louis, and renting out a local movie theater! These events, our smaller pop-ups, and our annual Sisterhood Retreat remind us what we all have in common: the bond of Phi Mu! ⁃ McKenna Anderson, Sisterhood Chairwoman, PC ’23